Channel: behind the scenes – We Love Good Sex
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On the set of my kinky new film with Irina Vega and Fenyx Santos

lucie blush irina vega fenyx santos

I’m still working on finding a title for my new film, so maybe if you check out the photos from the shoot, you can help me out? Today, I had the pleasure of shooting a new film with porn stars and real-life couple Irina Vega and Fenyx Santos who were spending a few days in Barcelona, away from their adoptive Amsterdam. Irina is also the founder and director of Spanish alt porn site AltPorn4U, check it out!

The film is about a girl whose kinky master – she’s her slave – decides to drop by and teach her a hot lesson…

The film will be live on luciemakesporn.com on October 6th!

lucie blush irina vega fenyx santos

We shot at my friend Laura’s place in the Poblenou district. Specifically, we shot a brief masturbation session in the bathroom. At some point, we were all in the bath tub, but don’t get too excited, we had our clothes on.

lucie blush

lucie blush irina vega masturbation

Irina and Fenyx have a great intimacy, which gave this kinky session a sweet vibe and made it a mix of tension and love. Perfect!

lucie blush irina vega fenyx santos

There are a lot of opportunities to goof around on set. See for yourself. There is a special scene in the film – I can’t tell you what it is – but Sole, one of the camera girls, embodied a nosy character…

lucie blush irina vega

Just chillin’

lucie blush on set

A great mix of fun, tenderness, lust and impatience to get to action.

lucie blush irina vega fenyx santos

lucie blush irina vega fenyx santos

Setting the props.

lucie blush

Posing next to the props.

lucie blush

There can be quite a lot of waiting around at a shoot. Fortunately, the gorgeous Irina never stopped behaving like a professional. Maybe her master’s leather leash has something to do with that?

irina vega

lucie blush irina vega fenyx santos

Soft bed and LED lights. The secret ingredients to ambient sex.

lucie blush irina vega fenyx santos

lucie blush irina vega fenyx santos

I can’t wait to spank you my naughty slave.

fenyx santos

I act as an extra at the beginning of the shoot as the annoying, geeky friend. Irina definitely looks annoyed at me.

lucie blush irina vega

Don’t come yet.

lucie blush irina vega fenyx santos

lucie blush irina vega fenyx santos

The post On the set of my kinky new film with Irina Vega and Fenyx Santos appeared first on We Love Good Sex.

If You Dare – The Making Of

making of if you dare

I love sharing making of videos of my shoots, because I think part of feminist porn is about good working conditions and making good stuff, so with this behind the scenes video of my latest film, If You Dare, you’ll see what it’s like to be on a set. Sometimes, it gets boring, sometimes we laugh, we argue, we stress out, we talk about our holidays. Sharing that day with my crew and real-life couple Irina Vega and Fenyx Santos was an awesome experience!

The Making Of ‘If You Dare’

The first task is to put the actors at ease and making sure they’re comfortable. I give a general idea about how we’re going to do this and go over the script with them. I encourage them to tell me if they have any doubts or questions, while the girls and I finish setting up the gear.

Explaining how you see it in your head, in Spanish, is not an easy task but they really made an effort and I’m delighted with the result.

>>Watch the film here<<

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Drone Boning – A bird’s eye view of sex

drone boning

With such a delicate name, you can imagine what this video is all about. The guys from Ghost + Cow flew a couple of drones while a couple was having sex in beautiful landscapes. The result is an entertaining perspective of porn from the skies…

Drone Boning

Brandon LaGanke and John Carlucci got together and put the music of Taggart and Rosewood to a set of bird’s eye view shots taken in San Francisco. I really do like wide shots in porn scenes because it gives context and allows us to enjoy the full spectacle of bodies merging together. Thanks to the drones, we can appreciate the beauty of the scenery and enjoy searching for the couples fucking, like a kinky Where’s Waldo?

More on droneboning.com.


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On the set of ‘Let’s Skip The Wedding’– Pics and video interview


Today was a day of first times. I shot my first film in Berlin since I’ve moved there a couple of months ago. It was also my first scene as a performer – as well as the director – with a man and Bee CM, the other actress in this film, had never performed before. ‘Let’s Skip The Wedding’ is my first feature film and today, we have shot the first two scenes of it. The first one will be out soon on luciemakesporn.com! In the meantime, here are a few photos and a video for you to see what it was like on the shoot.

Let’s Skip The Wedding – Behind the scenes

I don’t want to say too much about the story of the film, since I would like to have the advantage of surprise – you are my pets! – but I can say that it involves a wedding that is attended by none of the characters, very hot, spontaneous sex, a girl with a big crush and a lot of orgasms. And a cat, as always!

We shoot a scene last night, with Alexei Jackson, who came all the way from the UK for the occasion, and myself, and today we shoot another scene with Alexei and Melisa, a young Mexican woman I met a few weeks ago in Berlin.

I was nervous about this shoot, since I had never worked with this team before. I’m happy to report that it was the best shoot I’ve had! We all got along really well and the footage we got is amazing. I rent some cool gear so we had the pleasure of shooting with the awesome Canon 5D DSLR and really cool lenses.

The film will be out soon, but you can already see a few pics below as well as an interview we improvised a few minutes after shooting the last scene.

Thanks for watching! You make all this possible.

Let’s Skip The Wedding – Behind The Scenes from Lucie Blush on Vimeo.

lucie blush and alexei jackson



let's skip the wedding


femporn lucie blush



lucie blush and alexei jackson

porn shoot

porn shoot

porn shoot




let's skip the wedding

lucie blush and alexei jackson


porn shoot

let's skip the wedding

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The funniest moments of shooting Let’s Skip The Wedding

let's skip the wedding making of

A few weeks ago, I released my latest films Let’s Skip The Wedding, part 1 and part 2. We had an awesome time shooting the film in Berlin, over a week end, and I almost forgot to post the funniest moments of the shoot!

It was like friends hanging out, eating pizza and having sex. A few things got broken and we had quite a few laughs, from funny situations or intense orgasms.

Let’s Skip The Wedding – Funny moments

I’m very happy to be able to share this with you, because it was an incredible experience for me – it was my first time performing with a man on camera – and I want everybody to know that shooting porn doesn’t have to be mechanical and insensitive.

Watch Let’s Skip The Wedding here

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On the set with Amarna Miller and Pablo Ferrari

amarna miller and pablo ferrari

Last Friday, I couldn’t contain myself. My team and I shot Amarna Miller and Pablo Ferrari in Berlin and it was incredible!

I had a nice little dream script for them. You never know how two people are going to react together, but I knew Amarna and Pablo had been wanting to shoot together for a while so I thought the result would be pretty cool. I never thought it would be that explosive!

Here are a few pictures from the set. I am now starting to edit the film so you will be able to see it very soon on luciemakesporn.com.

Adlan, Alf, Pablo, Amarna and I

on the set of wet dream

amarna miller

amarna miller

We jumped on the bed. Porn life is tough…

amarna miller and lucie blush

Awesome chemistry between Pablo and Amarna…

amarna miller and pablo ferrari

amarna miller and pablo ferrari

amarna miller and pablo ferrari

We had burgers.

amarna burger

We can do it!

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We molested my childhood bear…

lucie blush

Coming soon!

Screen Shot 2015-06-22 at 2.12.05 PM

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On a porn shoot with Amarna Miller

amarna miller behind the scenes

Hey folks, one thing is to publish is a nice little scene, another one is to show you how we all made it happen. Check out this Behind The Scenes video from the shoot of my film Blow My Mind, with Amarna Miller and Pablo Ferrari.

Blow My Mind – Behind The Scenes

Since the beginning of the shoot, there was a crazy nice light in the flat and it all happened very smoothly. Porn shoots don’t have to be about what to do or where to be. I always try to create a nice atmosphere in which we can all feel comfortable and free to be ourselves. I think we all had an awesome time.

I like to share the whole process of making feminist porn, so I hope you will enjoy this peak behind the camera!

You can watch the full scene on luciemakesporn.com

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Sex and Ink in Barcelona – Behind the scenes


Hey folks, I’ve been in Barcelona this week to shoot my latest film and although it’s my last day and it’s pouring rain outside, I wanted to give you a glimpse of all the fun we had shooting some porn at Siha Tattoo, the place where I got my last tattoo done…

We shot Alex AK and Selina AK, couple in real life and alternative porn actors. I love working with couples because you can often grasp their intimacy and connection during the shoot.


The story is about a guy who gets a tattoo and doesn’t want to show his pain in front of his hot, tattoo artist. She pushes him to express himself and puts gender roles into perspective.

alex and selina ak

If you’re wondering how we got the shots of the tattoo action, we used a real machine but without ink, which made Alex’s existing tattoo look freshly red and bloody.

ink lucie blush

There you can see me thinking deep, probably about the next snack break.

lucie blush porn director

Selina fit totally with the role of her character, in the end feeling pretty confident with the needle.

alex and selina ak


I had the pleasure of working with Sole and Francesca, the women who worked on my films while I was living in Barcelona, and Alf, who’s been doing camera work for me since I moved to Berlin. It was a great mix of ideas and perspectives.

ink lucie blush





alex and selina ak


And the traditional porn shoot selfie at the end of a hard day of work. We even had the chance of counting on Tayri, my tattoo artist, to play a little role in the film. Can’t wait to publish it! Coming soon on luciemakesporn.com

porn shoot selfie

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In the shoes of a feminist pornographer #1 – On Set

lucie blush and jasko fide

This week has been tough. First, I dropped my phone into the toilet. It’s only after a second that I realized I hadn’t in fact taken a dump but that it was my phone, indeed, which was lying there, in the water. I wasn’t so alarmed at first, which doesn’t make sense, and it’s only after spending twenty minutes hair-drying the thing that I remembered it was an iPhone, so you can already guess the damn device hasn’t avoided its tragical death.

EDIT: The scene is now available here!

Still, I kept a smile on my face. I was about to shoot my new scene – yes, timing is a bitch, I know. So I was still happy. I cleaned up and waited for Jasko Fide, Lina Bembe and Mickey Mod.

threesome porn

My flatmate and I set up her room. That’s where we were shooting the scene – I know, my WG is awesome! I like to shoot in friends’ places, because it’s natural and I like the REAL mess. The one that shows who you are. My room was the backstage area. I put some food on the table. Cherry tomatoes, fresh cheese and bread, candy. I put some printed scripts around the room and prepared the contracts. I had previously checked the gear and the batteries were charging. I stuff some condoms in my Teddy Bear, on The Bed. They arrived. I kind of thought they would all be late, but modern dream porn makers are punctual. They were suddenly all here, throwing their jackets on my bed. They’d never met before and they were here to do a threesome scene. The first minutes are always a little bit awkward. But the atmosphere was smooth and I explained to them how we were going to play it.

mickey mod jasko fide

A quick conversation with my partner and fellow camera Kilian Kay and suddenly I see two of the actors making out next to my bed. It’s gonna be good. Everything is a bit hectic. One flatmate is making a toasted cheese, another one is last-minute cleaning her mirror so that it would look clean in the scene, and I’m trying to be available to everybody. One question here, another there. The thought of smoking a joint and quitting porn to go live in a tiny house near the woods in Spain crossed my mind. No. It’s time to do what you claim to do. Time to be strong and trust my instinct. So, I dove into the night. I have to be focused. I’m also handling the camera tonight, so I have to be good.

lucie blush and jasko fide

We went to shoot the first scene downstairs, on the street. The idea was to shoot the three characters coming home together after a wild party. The actors got the gist right away. We didn’t have mobile lights so we had to play with what the environment gave us. The best lit area was right next to a little casino, so we got ready to do the test scene. Two curious guys stand at the casino entrance to check what was going on. Don’t worry, we’re not shooting the casino. – Oh no, it’s cool!

Kilian was filming that scene. He was a bit unsettled by the lack of good lighting. Maybe I should have rented some more gear, but fuck, it’s expensive. He told the actors to start walking forward without letting me say Action!, which irritated me, but I get it. Beginnings are often precipitated. Test scene is good. This time, we do it like pros. We waited until the kids, drunken guys, old man in a wheelchair get out of frame. Action!

Once more. Focus on the faces.

The scene is about a couple who go out and bring home a nice young woman they just met. It’s all about the intimacy between the characters and about the unsaid. When a threesome is in the air, everybody knows it but nobody actually says Would you like to have a threesome with us? There are looks, smiles, suspense, excitement. All of what can’t be conveyed by words.

lina bembe

We went back up there to shoot the main scene, where they come home, get cosy, and cosier.
We did a few close-up shots and a few very nice ones watching Lina wander on the chilly balcony though the window. Jasko was the one ruling the game. Her character takes the initiatives. She gives the green light to her boyfriend, who then starts kissing and undressing Lina. She’s the one who watches before she eventually joins the action.

jasko fide lina bembe
The chemistry between the actors was exactly what I wanted. You can never really tell the kind of chemistry that two – or more – people will have together so I was happy to see this was going to be one hot scene.

Kilian and I are holding our cameras, while my wonderful flatmate is holding the Zoom (sound recorder). The camera was heavy. I wasn’t holding the camera myself on the last shoots, because I wanted to focus on directing, but it was such a great experience to shoot Crystal and Asia back in Switzerland for Deepest Darkest, that I wanted to go back to doing the camera myself. Less loss in translation.

I realized I also learned a lot when I wasn’t doing camera. I listened to the team when they adjusted their camera. I observed their angles, their ways. It gave me a lot more confidence than I thought. But my arms were not prepared to handle that weight. I was tired and Kilian was sweating. It was hot. So I put on my big girl shoulders and kept shooting. I was shooting with a Canon 5D and 50mm lense and I was constantly surprised by how warm and sensual it looked on my monitor screen. I can’t wait to start editing.

The bed had a wide, square, wooden bar all around it, on which we could step on and walk from side to side around the actors. One thing I learned though, smooth wood and woollen socks don’t match.
I felt myself slipping and suddenly time went in slow motion. Oh, I think I’m gonna fall. Yep, I’m falling. Feet are not on ground. Losing gravity. What do I do with the... That’s when the shoulder rig met my lower lip. Iron flavors my tongue. One second to put my hand in my mouth and check that my tooth was still there. Check. 8 seconds to stand back up on my feet. Reassuring the team. All good! The sex is still happily going on and I doubt the actors even witnessed my fall. Ni vu, ni connu. I even enjoyed tasting the blood in my mouth, it made me feel like a porn amazon fighting the pornowar, with scars and all.

One orgasm. Two. Three. My muscles are tense. My wrist is killing me and… I am very careful not slipping again.

threesome lucie blush
It ended. I don’t really add scenes with scripted dialogue at the end of my scenes anymore. I find that it’s the best moment of them all. The moment that doesn’t lie. The moment that grasps the bliss. Nothing matters.


We put the cameras down and sighed. The actors are still on the dopamine high. We give them some room to recover, have some water. We went backstage. My flatmate was ecstatically happy to be able to witness this, it was her first time. And then, we ate! Nobody eats much before the shoot but afterwards, we all need to heal. The actors are wandering around naked. I give them towels and guide them to the shower. One joint. More food. Money stuff. – Yeah, pay your actors! – Suddenly, everybody was putting their coats on and the room was empty again. I chose not to think about the fact that I needed to give the gear back to the shop in the morning, but I did manage to get my ass up to start unloading the memory cards. I can’t wait to edit the footage, but right now I need to find strength to go brush my teeth and go to bed. Hell, tonight, I sleep naked.

6 hours later

I wondered how I was able to get up at 8 a.m. to bring the gear back to the store in time. I packed the LED, the 5D, the zoom, the rigs and walked to the gear shop. It was raining. When I went home an hour later, I crashed. Spent the whole day on the couch. NO I AM NOT MOVING. Plus, I felt two bumps in my pussy and they were itchy! Is it an STD? Oh my God, I’m sure I have HPV, were the thoughts that accompanied me that day, only to realize, a few hours later, that I had, in fact, caught the chicken pox. To be honest, I was relieved it wasn’t an STD.

So, today, six days later, I am sitting at home, writing this article, looking like that, while Kilian is at the Movimiento Cinema for the screening of our scene at the PornFilmFestival Berlin. It’s alright. At least I got some time to recover. And get ready for the next adventure…

PS: Stay away from cute babies. It’s a trap.

PPS: Soon on luciemakesporn.com!

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Let’s party with the GoPro – POV by Lucie Blush

jasko fide kilian kay and lucie blush

So, last Sunday was FUN. I wanted to do something different for my new scene. So, instead of renting a couple of Canon 5D DSLR cameras, I got myself a GoPro.

The film is actually a party scene, here in Berlin. It is all shot from my point of view, so I was wearing the GoPro on my forehead the whole time. The result is great but I have to say, wearing the camera on my head the whole time is not the sexiest thing ever! I felt like a cave digger the whole time. But it was worth it!

lucie blush goproShoot with the GoPro, I thought, it’s gonna be sexy, I thought.

I get ready, go through the streets of Neukölln, my district, and then enter a typical Berlin house party. It’s pretty much my itinerary through the house during a crazy night.

There, I meet Jasko, whom you may remember from The Waltz, and Kilian Kay, my partner in real life.

jasko fide kilian kay and lucie blushPhoto by Adlan Mansri

We start to smooch and they both lead me to the bathroom where we do all kinds of things… Shooting with the GoPro allowed me to get some really nice and original shots, but practically speaking, the only down side is that it’s hard to kiss when you’re wearing the GoPro on your head! It got us a few head bumps…

lucie blush POV porn

But hello crazy POV blow job shot!

blow job POV

I also had the pleasure of witnessing a really hot sex scene between Rococo Royalle and Jesse Stryder, as a hidden voyeur.

rococo royalle and jesse stryder Photo by Adlan Mansri

They play a drunken couple who barge into the bedroom and passionately fuck on the guests’ coats that were lying on the bed. Kilian and I watch them from the corner, getting horny ourselves…

rococo royalle jesse stryder

I invited a bunch of friends for the party scene. There was a great atmosphere and we all got cosy inside, protected from the snow.

lucie blush gopro

Soon on luciemakesporn.com!


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Shooting porn with good vibes

alexei jackson and lexie candy in Newbie

Why should porn be so serious? You can transmit so much more by letting the people be and accept that you can’t control everything on a porn shoot. It’s so much more fun to see what happens, to share a laugh, to accept and recognize everybody’s uniqueness.

Shooting porn, why so serious?

It’s not just about shooting a scene according to a script, it’s about showing people. Not stereotypes fucking each other, it’s not even about penetration or orgasms, it’s about getting rid of all that brings us down and setting ourselves free through sex and connecting with people.

I made this little mash-up video with some behind the scenes moments so you can see what it’s like on my shoots. For me, what matters most is the actors’ comfort and to set up a relaxed atmosphere in which we can all feel free to be who we are. No matter if you get a boner. No matter if you come. I think I must say this a thousand times while shooting: No Pressure. Sex is not about a series of positions. I feel porn has become a caricature of itself and it’s high time we gave it back its humanity.

Every shoot is a unique experience and I’m very glad to share these moments with the awesome people I’ve been meeting since I started this.

Thank you all.

You can watch all the movies here on luciemakesporn.com.

Shooting porn with Lucie Blush from Lucie Blush on Vimeo.

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A week end of shooting porn in Berlin

olympe de g lucie blush parker marx

Last week end was intense. I shot two films in two days and it was amazing, exhausting, hilarious and hot.

The Couch

On the Saturday, we shot ‘The Couch’, with Parker Marx, Bishop Black and myself. I had never shot an MMF threesome before, let alone starred in it. A dream come true! Especially with these two guys who are the sweetest and sexiest men ever.

The story is about a couple of breaks up and reminisces about their relationship.

We ended the day eating pizza at my house and my friend and pornographer Olympe de G came by to meet Parker before shooting a scene with him the day after. We just knew it was going to work out…


lucie blush performing


mmf threesome

My cat Gégé doesn’t seem impressed…

shooting porn

bishop black parker marx lucie blush

parker marx and lucie blush

A Beautiful Sunday

The day after, having sleeping a few hours, I went to Olympe de G‘s house to shoot more femporn. It was her first time performing but she and Parker Marx already had a great chemistry.

It truly was a beautiful Sunday. The light was amazing. Music was playing in the streets.

They had intense and beautiful sex together, as authentic as it can be, which is why I think it’s going to make for an incredible scene.

Check out Olympe’s tumblr for more behind the scenes pictures.

Coming soon on luciemakesporn.com!

olympe de g and parker marx

olympe de g lucie blush parker marx

lucie blush

shooting feminist porn

olympe and parker

shooting porn in berlin

sex in the shower


The post A week end of shooting porn in Berlin appeared first on We Love Good Sex.

Rope & Play with Kay Garnellen {PICS}

lucie blush shooting porn

A couple of weeks ago, I shot a new scene with Kay Garnellen and myself. If you want to see how much fun it was, check out my rope marks in the pictures below…

Tied up by Kay Garnellen

As you know, I was tied up and suspended a while ago, and I absolutely loved it. So, I decided to make a movie out of it, of course! I invited the charming trans performer, writer and activist Kay Garnellen to tie me up and fuck me in my apartment in Berlin.

This scene is going to be yet again very different from the rest. Darker and definitely ultra sexy.

Here are the pics. Movie coming up soon on luciemakesporn.com!

Camera work by Katy Bit and Adlan Mansri.

lucie blush on set

lucie blush shooting porn

lucie blush and kay garnellen

I look so scary on that next pic!

bondage porn

kay garnellen and lucie blush


kay and lucie

rope marks

lucie blush bondage

kay garnellen rigger


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DIY PORNO KIT, the unofficial guide to making porn


I’m happy to inform all of you sluts that my new film is out. It’s called DIY Porno Kit and it tells you all about the way I make my porn.


The idea is to show that anybody can do this. One important concept behind feminist porn is based on the fact that any person can translate and share their own inner stories and fantasies to kill taboos and live a free and ever changing and expanding sexuality.

If your idea makes you horny enough, then you’re already on the right track.

I shot Jasko Fide and Mickey Mod as performers, because I knew they had a great chemistry on the set of The Waltz and also because they both have their own experience of porn and their own reasons for doing it. So you can see the behind the scenes and the awesome sex they had together in my tiny bedroom!

Mix all that with some money, a good camera and some lighting, and you’re good to go.

Watch the whole film now

The post DIY PORNO KIT, the unofficial guide to making porn appeared first on We Love Good Sex.

On the set of my kinky new film with Irina Vega and Fenyx Santos

lucie blush irina vega fenyx santos

I’m still working on finding a title for my new film, so maybe if you check out the photos from the shoot, you can help me out? Today, I had the pleasure of shooting a new film with porn stars and real-life couple Irina Vega and Fenyx Santos who were spending a few days in Barcelona, away from their adoptive Amsterdam. Irina is also the founder and director of Spanish alt porn site AltPorn4U, check it out!

The film is about a girl whose kinky master – she’s her slave – decides to drop by and teach her a hot lesson…

The film will be live on luciemakesporn.com on October 6th!

lucie blush irina vega fenyx santos

We shot at my friend Laura’s place in the Poblenou district. Specifically, we shot a brief masturbation session in the bathroom. At some point, we were all in the bath tub, but don’t get too excited, we had our clothes on.

lucie blush

lucie blush irina vega masturbation

Irina and Fenyx have a great intimacy, which gave this kinky session a sweet vibe and made it a mix of tension and love. Perfect!

lucie blush irina vega fenyx santos

There are a lot of opportunities to goof around on set. See for yourself. There is a special scene in the film – I can’t tell you what it is – but Sole, one of the camera girls, embodied a nosy character…

lucie blush irina vega

Just chillin’

lucie blush on set

A great mix of fun, tenderness, lust and impatience to get to action.

lucie blush irina vega fenyx santos

lucie blush irina vega fenyx santos

Setting the props.

lucie blush

Posing next to the props.

lucie blush

There can be quite a lot of waiting around at a shoot. Fortunately, the gorgeous Irina never stopped behaving like a professional. Maybe her master’s leather leash has something to do with that?

irina vega

lucie blush irina vega fenyx santos

Soft bed and LED lights. The secret ingredients to ambient sex.

lucie blush irina vega fenyx santos

lucie blush irina vega fenyx santos

I can’t wait to spank you my naughty slave.

fenyx santos

I act as an extra at the beginning of the shoot as the annoying, geeky friend. Irina definitely looks annoyed at me.

lucie blush irina vega

Don’t come yet.

lucie blush irina vega fenyx santos

lucie blush irina vega fenyx santos

The post On the set of my kinky new film with Irina Vega and Fenyx Santos appeared first on We Love Good Sex.

If You Dare – The Making Of

making of if you dare

I love sharing making of videos of my shoots, because I think part of feminist porn is about good working conditions and making good stuff, so with this behind the scenes video of my latest film, If You Dare, you’ll see what it’s like to be on a set. Sometimes, it gets boring, sometimes we laugh, we argue, we stress out, we talk about our holidays. Sharing that day with my crew and real-life couple Irina Vega and Fenyx Santos was an awesome experience!

The Making Of ‘If You Dare’

The first task is to put the actors at ease and making sure they’re comfortable. I give a general idea about how we’re going to do this and go over the script with them. I encourage them to tell me if they have any doubts or questions, while the girls and I finish setting up the gear.

Explaining how you see it in your head, in Spanish, is not an easy task but they really made an effort and I’m delighted with the result.

The post If You Dare – The Making Of appeared first on We Love Good Sex.

Drone Boning – A bird’s eye view of sex

drone boning

With such a delicate name, you can imagine what this video is all about. The guys from Ghost + Cow flew a couple of drones while a couple was having sex in beautiful landscapes. The result is an entertaining perspective of porn from the skies…

Drone Boning

Brandon LaGanke and John Carlucci got together and put the music of Taggart and Rosewood to a set of bird’s eye view shots taken in San Francisco. I really do like wide shots in porn scenes because it gives context and allows us to enjoy the full spectacle of bodies merging together. Thanks to the drones, we can appreciate the beauty of the scenery and enjoy searching for the couples fucking, like a kinky Where’s Waldo?

More on droneboning.com.


The post Drone Boning – A bird’s eye view of sex appeared first on We Love Good Sex.

Hot sauce delirium

hot couture lucie blush

Magena Yama was the fifth contestant of my spicy wing challenge, Hot Couture. You can watch her devouring the juicy, highly spicy feast and masturbate while under the influence of the heat. As per custom, we took it one step further after the shoot. Magena and I took a spoonful of a sauce that smelled like death. You can watch the full Behind the Scenes content on CS, but this is a good preview below.

Hot sauce delirium

This episode of Hot Couture was a lot of fun. Coming from the South of Italy, Magena already had experience with spices, but she wanted to go ‘over the border’, so we fed her our hottest sauces. Oh, the sweat… coming through her pores, from her lips to her belly button.

Watch Hot Couture Episode 5 here

Delirium… or drunkenness? It’s hard to tell, but you get the gist. Magena Yama is a good friend of mine. She was the main character in DAWN, the psychedelic porno I made a couple of years ago. She is also going to be in my next solo scene, covered in neon patterns. I guess things always get a little crazy when she and I meet up.

magena yama lucie blush




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